Covid-19 graphs for Sweden

Covid-19 death date, reporting date, and lag

Interactive graph showing the number of reported Covid-19 deaths in Sweden. Select dates in the bottom Publication Date graph by clicking and dragging. Gray bars is a prediction based on average lag for the past three weeks. See Adam Altmejd's repo for details.

Total deaths reported by Friday, April 23: 13923

Deaths for the past six weeks

Same info as in the graph above showing only death dates for the past six weeks.

Weekly reported deaths

Number of deaths reported each week with each publication weekday shown individually. Since week 25 no numbers are published on weekends. Since week 38 numbers are only published Tuesdays trough Fridays.

Weekly number of cases

Number of Covid-19 cases. Date is when test was performed. Cases are reported Tue-Fri.

Why is the total number different from official numbers?

Total death toll in these graphs differ from official total numbers since:

  • Old data points with few deaths have been trimmed to make graphs more legible
  • Some death dates are unknown and are not included in these numbers